What's GoGreen Club?
GoGreen Global Campaign
Why Global?
How we do it?
Our Target group
Go Green club is the specific program designed for schools, colleges and institutions. It is just a sub set of the AFOGWAD’s project campaign called “Go Green Global campaign.”
It is a campaign initiated by AFOGWAD Uganda in July, 2015 on voluntary basis in an attempt to bridge the gap of ignorance about the climate crisis among the most resilient communities in Uganda of which the greatest percentage are the young people. The project has since been creating an awareness to try to answer to eradicate the most common perception of the most communities in Uganda where they have in most occasions and always attributed the already being experienced negative impacts of climate change like unpredictable seasons, prolonged dry spell alongside with reduced rainfall amount full of too much flooding in most occasions and others, and of which have drastically affected agricultural outputs to God. So the project targets to let us know it is out of some of our very own activities and not God that we are experiencing such extreme weather conditions. This will help create in a consensus among us that there is something going crazy of which we need to act now in order to combat it by using different mitigation strategies. The campaign also targets to raise the lost hope in agriculture due to poor and low harvests. This is through encouragement that though we are always realizing nothing much out of our crop cultivation, we shouldn’t “say no and bye to agriculture,” but there are very many other methods we should adapt to like; climate smart agribusinesses such as poultry, piggery, modernized goat and cattle rearing methods, fruit farming, bee keeping and fish farming.
The word “Global” in the project title means no single mitigation strategy (like planting just only a single stem of tree) should be undermined and taken for granted. This is so because just a single action of a child to plant a tree can make a positive mitigation in the change in the climate, and this single action can save U.S.A, Asia, Australia, and not only our schools, homes, communities, Uganda, Africa but the whole from the decimation of the climate change. And so what if the whole of us in the school are to act, up to what extent of magnitude can we save with our planet!
We initiate clubs called Go Green club+ the name of the school (e.g. Go Green Club Vision High school) for all the schools and institutions we are operating in. In these clubs, we use arts like music, drama, debates, poetry, games and sports, talk shows on radios, and journals of which are always full of simulations to allow them understand why we should act now to mitigate and adapt to this change in the climate. Also the simulations help to empower, inspire and attract in the passion of these young people so as to create a generation of young social farmers, leaders and entrepreneurs whose behaviours, actions and minds only think of green and are conscious about their environment.
The campaign mainly targets the young people communities like kindergartens, schools, colleges and institutions because we believe that today’s youth have a vital role in addressing our environmental and climate crisis and in creating the kind of world we want, and deserve to live in. So they need to clearly know what has gone wrong and what should be done at their finger tips to allow them aggressively fight for a healthy, just and a sustainable planet.